Fragilex Canada Foundation

Research grants and how to apply

UPDATE – February 2022

Unfortunately the COVID-19 pandemic has hit our Foundation hard. We consist of a group of volunteer parents and professionals, and the pandemic has held back our usual fundraising and operational activities.

As a result the Fragile X Foundation of Canada (FXFC) has formed a strategic alliance with our U.S. counterpart, FRAXA Research Foundation. The two not for profit organizations share the same mandate in that they both fund research aimed at finding specific treatments and ultimately a cure for fragile X syndrome. The goal is to bring practical treatment into current medical practice as quickly as possible, so both Foundations prioritize projects that have a clear practical applications.

Most of the research funded by the Fragile X Foundation of Canada has been financed with money raised privately by the parents, families, and friends of individuals with Fragile X syndrome. However, part of the FXFC’s strategy to increase the amount and quality of research done in this field is to advocate for more government funding for work on Fragile X syndrome.


The FXFC and FRAXA award two categories of grants:

1.    Clinicial Trial applications are accepted at any time. The priority is to fund clinical trials, while still continuing to support relevant translational research and other early-stage work.

2.    Postdoctoral Fellowship applications are due on February 1 each year, and new fellowships are announced in early April.

In order to be eligible for a joint FXFC/FRAXA grant,  applicants must be working at a Canadian university, hospital or research centre. Preference is given to institutions within Canada. A brief Letter of Intent to Michael Tranfaglia, Francois Bulduc or Lawrence Spero,  is essential for all applications.
Michael Tranfaglia, MD =
Francois Bolduc or Lawrence Spero at

Regulations and how to apply for Grants and Fellowships for studies aimed at treatment of Fragile X syndrome:

Click below for more information.
