How to help
The Fragile X Research Foundation of Canada (FXFC) is a non-profit tax-exempt charity run by parents and volunteer professionals.
We need your support. How can you help?
Volunteer your time in one of many rolesĀ
Donate now
Donating online is quick, easy and secure.
It is also very cost effective, so your donation goes straight to work.
- One-time donation
- Monthly
- Gift in memory
- Gift in celebration
Or write a cheque to the Fragile- Research Foundation of Canada
The Fragile X Research Foundation of Canada
Mailing Address: Fragile X Research Foundation of Canada
777 Tapscott Rd., Scarborough ONĀ M1X 1A2
Corporate giving
Learn how your organization can join the FXFC in support of its mission.
Planned giving
Remember the Foundation in your will.
Tax-smart giving
Donate stocks that have increased in value and receive a tax receipt equal to this value without triggering a capital gain.
Join our fundraising team
Tax Receipts
When you donate online through the FXFC web site, you will receive by email within 24 hours a confidential and secure electronic tax receipt in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. This official receipt cannot be duplicated, modified or changed in any way, and is accepted by Canada Revenue Agency. Simply print this receipt and include a copy with your income tax return.
Thank you for your support.
Our donor pledge
FXRFC will:
- Inform donors about the ways in which we will use any and all funds given to us
- Ensure that the board of directors provide excellent management of these funds
- Provide appropriate recognition of each and every gift our donors make
- Keep information provided by donors confidential
- Respond to questions put to us by donors rapidly and to the best of our ability