
Transforming the lives of individuals with Fragile X, their families, and the networks of professionals who serve them. We are a volunteer-based organization that facilitates community education, awareness and advocacy, as well as basic and clinical research into treatments of Fragile X and it’s related conditions.


A world where Fragile X is recognized and supported in all aspects of health and social care, with effective and accessible treatments.

Let’s give Fragile X a voice.




The Fragile X research Foundation of Canada recognizes the exponential impact of building partnerships around the world. In collaboration with FRAXA Research Foundation we are thrilled to share that Dr. Raymond Turner and Dr. Xiaoquin Zhan have been awarded a $100,000 research grant to continue to develop a ground breaking approach to treat Fragile X syndrome. 

Xpressions Newsletter

In each issue, you will find articles, stories and information for and about the Fragile X Research Foundation’s research, members, families and friends. 

Click here for the summer 2023 issue

– A community comes together to raise awareness
– Fragile X-Associated Primary Ovarian Insufficiency I FXPOI
– Discovering the prevalence of the FX gene in the Jewish population

Click here for the Spring 2023 issue

– How an X-traordinary family raised awareness through a golf tournament
– The unique challenges for females with Fragile X syndrome
– Researcher Spotlight

Click here for the Winter 2023 issue

– Metformin trials for individuals with Fragile X syndrome
– X-traordinary people
– Toolbox trips and tricks

For more information and support

Mailing Address

777 Tapscott Road
Scarborough Ontario 
M1X 1A2


Thank you for choosing to donate to our Foundation.

Transforming the lives of individuals with Fragile X, their families, and the networks of professionals who serve them.We are a volunteer-based organization that facilitates  and supports community education, awareness and advocacy, as well as basic and clinical research into treatments of Fragile X and it’s related conditions. 
